
Hello world!

Neon Hello Sign

Welcome to my blog. It’s not my first, but I hope it’s my last. 10 years ago, when everything on the Web 2.0 was new and exciting, I started a blog. After about a year I let it die & moved on to different things. Now I think it was a mistake.

It would have been so awesome to have it running for a decade. What a thing it would be to look back at. But instead, all I have is this lousy snapshot.

Hopefully, I won’t make this mistake twice. Hello world, again!

By Marek

I graduated Oxford University Computing Laboratory in 2008 and since then have been a full-stack lead on many projects, in different technologies. Myself, I like to code in Perl, Solidity and JavaScript, run on Debian & Nginx, design with Adobe CC & Affinity and work remotely, but overall I always do whatever gets the job done. I like to learn new things all the time!

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