
Wiedza to potęga?

Francis Bacon, angielski filozof, naukowiec i polityk z XVI-XVII wieku, jest często przypisywany słynnemu powiedzeniu “Scientia potentia est,” co w polskim tłumaczeniu brzmi jako “wiedza to potęga.” Jednakże, istnieje pewne nieporozumienie w tłumaczeniu tego zwrotu, które może prowadzić do mylących interpretacji. W rzeczywistości, Bacon użył zwrotu „ipsa scientia potestas est”, co można bardziej precyzyjnie przetłumaczyć […]


Constructive Politics

In the past, the political scene was divided into left and right, representing liberal and conservative ideologies. However, in recent years, a new division has emerged that focuses on the constructive and destructive approaches to governance. This shift is reflective of a change in the priorities of voters and a shift away from ideological purity.


Live Long & Prosper

Live long and prosper — a phrase famously associated with the science fiction series Star Trek, has become more than just a catchphrase. It has become a way of life for people who aspire to a peaceful coexistence with others. In the days of globalization, where the world is becoming more interconnected and interdependent, it […]


Who Wants to Buy a Missile? Social Marketing in the Military Industrial Complex

Above you can see the message I received a few years back via a LinkedIn InMail. It was around the time when Obama administration was pondering on the idea of deploying a missile defence shield in Poland. It really made my day, but also really missed the target. And made me really wonder. The term […]


Electric cars & global balance of power

An anecdote has it that during the Industrial Revolution, electric cars lost to petrol over the range of travel — many cheap workers had to be transported to the factories and back, from rural areas. Electric transportation didn’t work outside of big cities, hence production & research focused on the more universal combustion engines. Fast-forward 100 years, […]